Every week a love note from a Kenkô mother, for you. We know parenthood can be quite overwhelming. It welcomes you to a whole new world.
Dear Stephanie,what is the one piece of advice you would give other moms (to-be)?
Find other moms (to be) with a baby around the same age and similar outlook on parenting. I connected with a few new mothers during our pregnancies and with one fellow mother in particular (my long distance friend Lydia, if you’re reading this, I appreciate you so much!) took hours-long walks talking on the phone (she lives in Vienna and I live in Amsterdam) while our babies were asleep in the stroller. It helped me so much to have a friend in this who goes through the same things as I was at the exact same time. We would share experiences and tips when our babies would go through cramps, leaps, teething. Share the ups and downs about being a first time mom, and our hopes and dreams for our girls.
Whats your ultimate self-care tip?
Ask your partner, a friend, or (chosen) family for help if you need it. It took a while before my boyfriend and I realized I’m better at doing the late evenings and if necessary nights, and he thrives in the mornings. So we take shifts. He often goes to bed early to take care of our daughter in the mornings and lets me sleep in a little longer. I also love taking my time in the mornings for a proper shower, doing my skincare routine in peace, sitting down and having tea. Find new ways to be able to do the things that make you feel better about yourself.