From Mother to Mother – Soesja & Jonah

Every week a love note from a Kenkô mother, for you. We know parenthood can be quite overwhelming. It welcomes you to a whole new world.

Dear Soesja,what is the one piece of advice you would give other moms (to-be)?

Mother your inner child like you mother your child.

“You can only give as much love as you love love yourself so self love practices, even more when being a mom, is a priority.”

Whats your ultimate self-care tip?

Find moments of meditation (awareness) in your daily practices. The laundry, cooking, taking a bath.

What’s your favorite memory when you’re using and smelling Kenkô?

Honoring my ever changing pre and post natal body with the calming body oil. This was such a loving every day ritual that helped me embrace all the changes in a very sweet way like the scent of Kenkô’s oil.

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